- Buat pulut kuning ni sebab teringin la pulak nak makan....so, seawal pagi selepas Subuh, I sudah masuk dapur untuk mengukus pulut kuning ini.....semua orang dalam rumah I ni suka makan pulut kuning ini....
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Pulut Kuning sedap dan mudah untuk disediakan....
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Oreo Chocolate Brownies...
375g soft butter
375g best-quality dark chocolate
6 large eggs
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
500g caster sugar
225g all purpose flour
1 tsp salt
300g chopped walnuts
Oreos, slightly crushed but so that large chunks remain
Preheat the oven to 180*C (350*F). Line a 12x9 in. pan with foil or parchment.
Melt the butter and chocolate together in a large heavy-based saucepan. In a bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar and vanilla. Measure the flour into another bowl and add the salt.
When the chocolate mixture has melted, let it cool a bit before beating in the egg mixture, and then the nuts and flour. Beat to combine smoothly and then fold in the Oreo chunks. Scrape out of the saucepan into the lined pan. The Oreos should not be sticking out of the top of the mixture, as they are likely to burn.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Banana Coconut Milk Cake.....
1 cawan gula
1/2 cawan minyak masak
1/2 cawan santan segar
6 biji pisang emas yang ranum
1 sudu kecil baking powder
1/2 sudu kecil soda bikarbonat
secubit garam
sedikit esen vanila
3 biji telur
sedikit coklat emulco ataupun serbuk koko
Cara-cara penyediaannya:-)
Selepas itu, lenyek pisang dan campur sedikit dengan garam, ketepikan
Kemudian, pukul telur bersama gula hingga kembang.
Setelah adunan telur sudah kembang, masukkan pisang yang telah dilenyek tadi bersama minyak masak, kacau sebati
Selepas itu masukan tepung sedikit demi sedikit dan masukkan pula susu segar dan esen vanila
Kacau sebati menggunakan spatula atau senduk kayu.
Ambil kira-kira 2 senduk adunan kek, dan campurkan dengan coklat emulco atau serbuk koko,
kacau sebati dan ketepikan.
Curah baki adunan kek pisang di dalam acuan bulat 8 inc
Loyang tu sapu buter dulu dan alas dasar loyang degn kertas baking
Kalau nak tabur tepung pun boleh tapi jgn lupa ketuk2 loyang dan buang baki tepung tu.
Kemudian curah pula adunan coklat, lorekkan perlahan dengan menggunakan garpu
Bakar kek pada suhu 170 darjah celcius selama 60 minit,
Setelah siap di bakar, sejukkan kek.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Profiteroles au Chocolat...
1/2 Cup Butter
1 cup full cream milk
1 cup Pre-sifted Flour
1/4 tsp salt
4 eggs ( i used 2 grade A eggs)
Preheat oven at 170 C.
1. Place the butter and water in a heavy saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil.
2. Remove from heat and with a wooden spoon or spatula, quickly add the flour mixture. If you do not have self raising flour, please mix together the flour and the baking powder first.
3. Return to heat and stir constantly until it become a dough and then remove from heat and using your electric mixer, or with a hand mixer and beat on low speed a minute or two to release the steam from the dough. Once the dough is lukewarm start adding the lightly beaten eggs (a little at a time), keep beating until the liquid of the egg is completely soaked up by the dough before adding more egg. And continue to mix until you have a smooth thick paste.
4. Spoon or pipe ( i chose to spoon) dough on the baking tray. Spacing them a couple of inches apart.
5. Baked for 30 minutes until the shells are a nice amber colour and when split, are dry inside.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Rainbow Caramel Cake....
- Karamel
- 60g gula
- 2 sudu besar air
- Puding
- 2 biji telur
- 400ml susu cair@segar
- 35g gula
- sedikit esen vanila
- Kek span
- 70g tepung gandum
- 60g gula halus
- 2 biji telur
- 20g mentega- dicairkan
- 20ml air
- Sapukan loyang dengan butter lembut. Panaskan oven ke 170 degree.
- Sediakan karamel: Panaskan gula sehingga jadi warna perang. Kemudian tambah 2 sudu besar air. Tutup api. Tuangkan semasa masih panas-panas ke dalam loyang.
- Sediakan puding: Campurkan semua bahan. Kacau dengan perlahan-lahan supaya tak berbuih.Tapiskan ke dalam loyang karamel tadi.
- Sediakan kek span: Asingkan putih dan kuning telur. Pukul telur putih dengan separuh gula (30g) sehingga kembang.
- Pukul pula telur kuning dengan separuh gula(30g) lagi sehingga jadi bentuk krim.
- Campurkan kedua-dua adunan telur tadi. Pukul dengan perlahan-lahan sehingga sebati.
- Ayak tepung ke dalam adunan telur. Kacau dengan spatula dengan kaedah kaup balik.
- Akhir sekali masukkan butter yang telah dicairkan. Kacau sehingga sebati.
- Bahagi adunan kepada beberapa bahagian dan warnakan ikut pilihan masing2.
- Tuangkan adunan kek tadi secara berselang seli ke dalam loyang puding tadi. (adunan kek span ni akan terapung di permukaan adunan puding.. so puding tu tak payah kukus or bakar dulu.)
- Masukkan air suam ke dalam dulang oven. Bakar selama 40 minit atau sehingga masak.
- Sejukkan dulu sebelum keluarkan puding/kek dari loyang.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Rainbow Cake yang berwarna-warni...
Ni resepi Rainbow Cake ya....
Rainbow Cake
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups milk or buttermilk
4 large egg whites ( I guna 6 biji telur putih)
¾ cup sugar (Resepi asal guna 1 1/2 cawan ya)
2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
125gm unsalted butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon pure lemon extract
Gel or powder food coloring (ikut suka korang ya!)
2 tsp vanilla essence (I tambah sendiri ya)
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F and put a rack in the middle or upper third of the oven. Butter two 5 inch pans and line with buttered parchment paper.
2. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. In another bowl, whisk together the egg whites and buttermilk. I whisked the mixture using hand for about 1 minute.
3. Cream the butter and sugar in a mixer on medium speed for a full 3 minutes until very light and fluffy.
Beat in half of the egg-buttermilk mixture, then flour mixture, then the last of the egg-buttermilk mixture, and finally the last of the flour, beating until the batter is smooth. Beat the entire batter on medium high for two minutes until completely smooth and mixed.
4. Divide the batter in 6, dye each batter with different colour. Bake 20 minutes, rotating halfway through, or until a thin knife inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool in the pans five minutes, then turn out onto a cooling rack. To ensure moistness, once the cakes are cooled, wrap immediately and chill.
For the Cream Cheese Frosting:
4 ounces butter, at room temperature
4 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
4 ounces mascarpone cheese, at room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
To make the frosting: Using the whisk attachment, whip the butter and cheese on high speed for about 5 minutes, scraping the bowl down as necessary. Reduce the speed to low and slowly add the powdered sugar until all is incorporated. Add the vanilla and mix to combine. Increase the speed to medium high and whip for a few minutes until the frosting is light and fluffy, scraping the bowl as necessary.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Hitam-hitam si tampuk manis....
......sungguh la hitam rupa mu, tapi sedap bila dimakan....
Resepi Muffin Coklat yang simple sangat-sangat....
Kek Coklat Si Hitam Manis
Bahan A
2 cawan air
250 g mentega
35 g serbuk koko
1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat
1 1/2 cawan gula castor
Bahan B
4 biji telur
3 cawan tepung naik sendiri
1. Campurkan semua bahan A dalam periuk dan hangatkan di atas api, sampai gula dan mentega cair.
2. Angkat dan biarkan sejuk.
3. Masukkan telur, pukul dengan pemukul elektrik.
4. Masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit dan pukul sampai sebati.
5. Tuang adunan dalam loyang / bekas kek cawan
6. Bakar 40 minit (kek), 25 minit (cupcakes), api atas bawah tanpa kipas dengan suhu 180 darjah selsius.
7. Boleh hias dengan coklat ganache atau cream cheese.